Here is an article by Kate Pastor over at the Riverdale Press about Eric Schneiderman's race to become the next state Attorney General. She notes that Riverdale has been home at one point or another to the last three Democratic Attorneys General (Robert Abrams, Oliver Koppell and Eliot Spitzer) -- and Schneiderman hopes to be the fourth. Of course, given that Koppell was appointed for a year and then lost badly in the primary, and Spitzer went on to become Client 9, I am sure that Schneiderman hopes the similarities end there.
Btw, also want to note that Kate Pastor just took over as Editor at the Riverdale Press -- Good Luck Kate!
Lets hope the voters of NY don't repeat the mistakes of the past.
ReplyDeleteKate's great. I hope that she restores The Press to it's recent, former glory (before her predecessor screwed things up big time).
ReplyDeleteSchneiderman is one slick, insincere, arrogant piece of work. But I have to admit that he does have a touch of charisma, which is a quality entirely lacking in the other legislators representing Riverdale. Those other Riverdale legislators (from the City Council, the State Senate, the State Assembly and the U.S, House of Representatives) are a stale, ghoulish crew. Next to them, Scheiderman appears almost regal.