From this posting in Your Nabe it looks like locals really turnout for community cleanups over in City Island. I noticed that it also brought out some politicians and former politicians. Councilman Jimmy Vacca was there as well as former Bronx Borough President Adolfo Carrion, who lives on City Island and most recently worked at the White House. I hope someone handed these guys a broom and they weren't just mugging for cameras. So who knows, maybe the next time you head over to Sammi's Fish Box you may see some politicos pushing a broom.
Considering Carrions illustrious pilfering career, perhaps the big cleanup on City Island is a secret plea bargain community service deal that he must perform in order to keep his cheeks out of prison and away from Bubba and em...I would like to see him pushing a broom.
ReplyDeleteJimmy Vacca is the real deal, so I don't think he was there just for a photo-op. As for Adolfo Carrion, I'm not so sure.
ReplyDeleteYea...as long as we're talking about corrupt scumbags, let us delve into Adolfo Carrion, who shook down a developer for a free deck.
ReplyDeleteAt least Carrion never did anything to hurt the economic development of the Bronx like Ruben Diaz Jr. has done with that armory.
ReplyDeleteHaha, gotta love it! People will find any excuse to zing Diaz nowadays. I'm surprised Letterman or Leno haven't picked up on this yet...
ReplyDeleteCarrion did worse - he subsidized the Yankees stadium - a billion dollar sports & media empire - and stole precious park land to do it. -
ReplyDeleteYou can be sure that Letterman and Leno never heard of such a creature as Ruben Diaz Jr. In fact, it's just about impossible to find a regular New Yorker who has heard of him. Brooklyn BP Marty Markowitz seems to be the most public of the borough presidents, and quite frankly almost nobody in this city knows who he is.
ReplyDeleteCarrion's BP agenda in three easy steps:
ReplyDelete1. Bend Over
2. Spread Cheeks
3. Take it, from the Yankees, Related, Bloomberg, etc.
Repeat as necessary
That three-part butt-f**k sounds more like the Dimowitz plan!