Here is a posting from Henry Stern at New York Civic, where he ponders the difficulty of having faith in elected officials anymore after someone like Alan Hevesi, who was once thought of as a pillar of virtue, disgraces his office and lets us down once again. Mr. Stern goes on to cite a star-studded perp walk of recent elected officials from Joe Bruno to Eliot Spitzer to Efrian Gonzalez who have all betrayed their office and our trust. But given Hevesi's personal background and long and distinguished public service career, this one really stings. Where does it end?
Henry Stern should be the last person talking about integrity. During his tenure as Commissioner of Parks & Recreation he was hit with one of the largest class actions lawsuits from black and hispanic Park employees for failing to promote them in managerial positions. Instead he hired mostly white ivy league kids with only several years of city employment in high level managerial positions within the agency. Overlooking black and hispanic employees who had 10-20 plus years working in the agency. He is a disgrace.
ReplyDeleteI'm a subscriber to his newsletter and sent him a note on this one - To compare Vito to Eliot is a disgrace. While neither is fit for office, our former Governor committed actual crimes for which he was never indicted. Soliciting prostitutes is a CRIME. transporting people across state lines for the purpose of prostitution is a CRIME. And he never mentions Troopergate.
ReplyDeleteThanks to our AG Mr. Spitzer now enjoys a career in TV.
Where there is smoke, surely fire is waiting to burn us all...I had NO SYMPATHY when Hevesi was using out tax dollars to have his wife chauffered around. People have to take their sick loved ones to appointments on busses and trains...that guy was more important than everyone else?
ReplyDeleteOur politicians look upon us like the Bronx is a third world country ripe for pillaging. The fact that we have the most successful/profitable sports franchise in history yet Fordham Road and the South Bronx still look like a bazaar in an impoverished land rather than downtown White Plains is indicative of all the corruption in our borough.
It doesn't help that our Bronx Borough President is more concerned with the facade of being "down" for the hood than he is with IMPROVING the quality of our lives through sound business decisions (Kingsbridge Armory). He is such an idiot...and Dinowitz is always standing close to him to give him credibility.
I am so sick of these people. Politician = CROOK
Ah, the corrupt spectacle of New York's state government!
ReplyDeleteIf I was a city commissioner and it was time to hire top-level management, I would probably overlook a very, very high percentage of the employees who had 10-20 years working in the agency.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, my experience is that most of the folks with more than ten years in mid-level management for a city agency are do-nothing bureaucrats who lack drive and imagination. They usually just try to look busy, and end up (inadvertently) gumming up the works on the taxpayer's dollar.
To be sure, there are some gems in mid-level management who are dedicated, creative and hard-working, but they are few and far between.
Why are so many elected officials in our great state Sleazy, Cheesy and Corrupt?