Ok I lied, one last post before the weekend: Alex Kratz at the Norwood News has a story about Joe McLaughlin who is running as a Republican against Jeffrey Dinowitz for the State Assembly. Given the dearth of Republicans in the Bronx, this race is a long-shot but that has not stopped McLaughlin from campaigning hard and hitting hard. He is hoping to combine the strong anti-Albany sentiment along with Dinowitz's legendary arrogance to pull off an upset. No matter what happens, it is good to see someone willing to toss their hat in the ring who has some ideas and is willing to take on the system.
he has my vote.
ReplyDeleteDINOWITZ needs to go.
Dinowitz is an incumbent, and the general rule is that incumbents don't get voted out of office unless there is some extraordinary and unlikely event.
ReplyDeleteSo unless you know of a sex scandal, tax evasion, or some corruption situation, he’s going to stay in his position until he rots.
And how often does a NY pol loose his position due to scandal anyway? Come to think of it, pretty often: Eliot Spitzer, Joe Bruno, Alan Hevesi, Miram Monserate, Pedro Espada, Miguel Martinez, Efrian Gonzalez Jr.. And maybe soon ... “Bagel Larry” Seabrook, Carl Kruger, Rev. Ruben Diaz Sr. and Bronx BP Ruben Diaz Jr.
Joe McLaughlin should be telling voters how Jeffrey Dinowitz bullied and threatened Community Board 8 member Colleen Hanley.
ReplyDeleteAnd how about letting voters know about Assemblyman Dinowitz’s war with the residents of Amalgamated Houses?
Or telling voters about how Dinowitz uses his office staff for political campaign purposes?
I think voters should know about how Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz abuses his government parking permit. Dinowitz was featured on the website Uncivil Servants with his car illegally parked in front of his apartment building on a Sunday:
For an assemblyman whose last full-time job was traffic court judge back in the nineteen nineties, it looks like Jeff Dinowitz should know better than to park illegally (“No Parking Anytime”!!) using his parking placard when he’s probably sitting at home upstairs watching Cartoon Network.
ReplyDeleteWow ... Jimmy Justice is everywhere! He even found Assemblyman Dinowitz flagrantly violating the parking laws and abusing his official status. And thanks Anonymous for letting us know that Dinowitz's last real job was in traffic court.
ReplyDeleteMr. Dinowitz's abuse of his parking permit is probably just the tip of the iceberg. Dig deeper and I'm sure you'll find much more.
ReplyDeleteI hear that in races for important positions, candidates often hire a team of private investigators to research the opponent. I realize that this is not a major race, but maybe Joe McLaughlin can hire an investigator to research Dinowitz. After all, most Bronx pols seem to have their dirty deeds very thinly veiled.
ReplyDeletethe best way to find out if a city or state legislator is corrupt is to follow the discretionary funds he doles out and the hiring he controls in his own office and in the nonprofits he supports
ReplyDeleteA traffic court judge? I thought that he used to be a toll collector at the old Verrazano-Narrows toll booths?
ReplyDeletetraffic court! what about dog catcher?
ReplyDeleteHah, hah, hah. Traffic Court!
ReplyDeleteIt must have been a promotion from Parking Court, after a promising start in Sanitation Court.
So on his Official New York State Assembly Member Website, Jeffrey Dinowitz’s biography says that prior to his election to the Assembly, he served for ten years as an ”Administrative Law Judge for the State of New York.”
ReplyDeleteIt’s curious that Mr. Dinowitz never mentions that his judgeship was in traffic court (where the judges, who are technically administrative law judges, do not wear robes but are addressed as “Your Honor”).
As someone who once worked in the Traffic Violations Bureau (TVB) for Brooklyn North, I know a thing or two about the traffic courts (which were started back in the 1970’s to unclog the city’s criminal courts). The New York State Department Motor Vehicles (DMV) is the agency that runs the traffic court system.
My guess is that by leaving out the name of the agency he worked for, Mr. Dinowitz is trying to create a misleading impression. Instead of adjudicating a parade of speeders and red-light runners, I get the feeling he wants us to think he adjudicated some of the complicated “scholarly” issues that administrative law judges deal with in other agencies (for example, human rights law, or labor law, or employment law, or housing law).
Mr. Dinowitz should be proud to have served as a DMV Administrative Law Judge. Moving traffic violations and obeying the rules of the road might sometimes seem mundane, but they are vitally important to the safety of all of us.
Yes, he should be proud to have worked in traffic court, but he should be ASHAMED that he abused his dashboard permit by parking illegally while he's at home. And he should be especially ashamed because as a former DMV judge he should know better.
ReplyDeletelike I said so many times before...
ReplyDeleteDinowitz appears to have this air of entitlement about him. So does his mother. Pedro Espada buys groceries for the several Dinowitz families in the Amalgamated. That food line was a clear indication of graft.
Dinowitz never really did come out swinging against Pedro the thief, did he? I would imagine they (Jeffrey and Petey) spent a lot of time together at the MMCC...another corrupt non-profit organization. While I have always voted Democrat, this time around I will be voting Republican. The youngest of 7 kids raised by a single Mom has my vote without even the slightest hint of a struggle.
Hey Anonymous @ October 13, 2010 7:14 PM:
ReplyDeleteYou are speaking in lingo! Who is Petey and what is MMCC? Please share with the rest of us.
I live in Florida now, but many years ago when I was a Riverdalian, I remember Jeffrey Dinowitz as Oliver Koppell's schluby gofer. I can't believe that good-for-nothing Deadhead now holds a political office.
ReplyDeleteNot only does that "good-for-nothing Deadhead" Dinowitz hold a political office, he uses that office to threaten upstanding pillars of the community like Colleen Hanley!
ReplyDeleteAmazing! He used to sit in the back smoking pot.
ReplyDeleteHanley an "upstanding pillar?" Please! Dinowitz is a condesending opportunist, but so is Hanley and everyone else who wants power. No one is innocent. Stop drinking Kool-aid.
ReplyDeleteDrinking Kool-Ais or perhaps smoking pot!
ReplyDeleteDefinition of a POTHEAD: Someone who believes (1) any problem can be fixed by smoking marijuana, and (2) any activity is more enjoyable whilst stoned.
ReplyDeleteYo Dino: What a long, strange trip it's been!
ReplyDeleteHanley, Dinowitz ... same difference!
ReplyDeletedino sucks, hanley don't
ReplyDelete@the anonymous commentators who talk smack about Mrs. Hanley...
ReplyDeleteopportunist? apparently you don't know what the hell you are talking about!
Mrs. Hanley has her hands full dealing with a CORRUPT housing corporation that has not been supervised properly by the state simply because the president emeritus of the board of directors of the state supervised housing corpororation has done a fabulous job bamboozling everyone - from elected officials like dim o'witz to the very shareholders whom he is bleeding dry - into believing it is a PLACE THAT MATTERS. The record will show the Amalgamated is, in fact, a place that matters in history when those who have pilfered and abused the trust of the residents are led away in HANDCUFFS.
rather than display your ignorance, perhaps you should contact the community board office and ask Mrs. Hanley to meet with you so you can see for yourself that she is not anything AT ALL like our local elected officials! nor is she an "upstanding pillar" of the community. She is a working person...and someone who is ready willing an able to fight for her community. Save the upstanding pillardom for members of the clergy who are also flawed in many, many ways.
if you knew her, you wouldnt be stupid enough to leave any comparative commentary linking her to the mannerisms, the bs and the pompous arrogance of people like dim o'witz. bear in mind, she isn't living off the taxpayer either...
Hanley is a member of the local community board, and you don't get apppointed to that for being a nice person.
ReplyDeleteThe only work Ms. Hanley does is flinging dung!
ReplyDeletePoor Mrs. Hanley, my money is that she is referring to herself in the post from October 22, 740am. Is it time to renew the valium perscription? Be careful, we don't want to upsset her. Heaven forbid anyone has anything to say about her, she'll bully and cyberbully like no tomorrow. At least Dinowitz attempted to call her out on it like a street fight, albeit, he only stooped down to a street level and one is no better than the other.
ReplyDeleteBack to this original post by Cassino, if McLaughlin manages to win by some miracle, you really think anything will change? For Mr. McLaughlin's sake, I wouldn't wish radicals like Hanley or anyone else on him.
But we all know Dinowitz has this election bagged up and all his connetions are in place. Just like when Koeppel whitewashed Cassino 2 to 1 in last year's primary.
Nothing short of a Bolshevik revolution will get the current elected officials out, but do you want the carnage of something like that? Hanley would and I'd head for Canada is she ever ran and won office, because the world would end.
Curious to see if she takes the bait.......if she wants to silence Dinowitz, she should get her friends out there to solicit putting her on the ballot. Back up talk with action, again, will she take the bait......
Traffic judge
What a special combination.
Attention Pothead: Marijuana may be "medical" in some ways, but in others it's not very healthful. So Dude, put down that bong.
ReplyDeleteSo does Dimowitz support to the legalization of cannabis?
ReplyDeleteCampaign slogan? Yes We Cannabis!
ReplyDeleteDinowitz on parking: It's OK for me to do it!! Do as I say not as I do
ReplyDeleteSelfish PR*CK