Charles Moerdler |
Joseph Lhota |
In a very unusual moment during the normally staid MTA Board meeting, MTA Chairman Joseph Lhota blasted Bronx board member Charles Moerdler calling him a liar -- and that was just the beginning.
As the NY Times reports, after Moerdler disagreed with the chairman about a proposal to reduce MTA board meetings, Lhota called his thinking "flawed", "erroneous" and "actually scurrilous.” He went on to say "
To make statements in public like this, similar to the statement that you made when you only parked in that parking spot for a few minutes when it was documented by camera that it was over four hours — enough of lying to this board.”
Lhota is referring to an incident reported by the Daily News in which Moerdler is accused of parking his car illegally and using MTA placard. To which Moerdler replied, “
Mr. Chairman, character assassination does not do you credit.” He further added, that he “
will not challenge” Mr. Lhota, to which the chairman responded, “
I wish you would” and he should “
Be a man.” Mr. Moerdler, who has been a member of Bronx Community Board No. 8 for over 30 years, has been described in a prior article in
the New York Daily News as talking "
with an amazing and bizarre Victorian-era accent. When he opens his mouth, you half-expect him to call for the butler and ask for tea and crumpets."