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Thursday, September 2, 2010

Espaillat or Espada?

Bronx News Network puts out a great scoop on a bizarre flyer distributed in Riverdale by the campaign for Adriano Espaillat. It seems that Espaillat, who is running to replace Eric Schneiderman in the 31st Senate District, is worried people might mix him up with Pedro Espada, that scoundrel of the Senate (that might be redundant). Why is he so worried about being confused for a thug and almost indicted elected official? Anyway, here is the flyer so you decide whether this is one of the more nuttier campaign pieces you have seen.


  1. There is no confusion here. His name is Pedriano Epsaillada!

  2. You know that your campaign is in trouble when all you can say to introduce yourself to the electorate is "I'm not that other guy!"

  3. It's really wierd for a politician to put out a mailer trying to distinguish himself from someone he is not even running against.

    It is a mistake for Mr. Espaillat to print his name and image on the same page with Mr. Espada's name and image. It makes the link that some people were not even thinking, and it dramatically increases the chance that voters will confuse Mr. Espaillat with the detestable Mr. Espada.

  4. Espaillat handlers should have seen this coming and change his name to Rodgriez! The the die hard Yankee fans would had shoed him in on name reconignition alone! LOL!

    Big T

  5. What a dope that Espaillat is to put out such a flyer. At first glance, it seems to communicate that Espaillat is equal to Espada. The visual message totally overpowers the words.

  6. I'm sure it was Dinowitz's idea

  7. Now that's a pretty stupid campaign flyer!

  8. Yeah, that's really silly. You only get the message if you take the time to read the thing, and maybe 1/10 people tops are going to do that. Meanwhile, odds are good that at least 1 of those other 9 will make a connection between the two that wasn't there before.

  9. Regarding Espaillat's campaign against Mark Levine, I noticed on Wednesday that the Cassino club has finally mastered the art of getting out of bed to distribute Levine leaflets in my apartment complex. It won't work though since Levine is going down, and he's going down big time.

  10. Mark Levine might win, or Espaillat might win. None of us has a crystal ball.

    Personally, I think that Mr. Levine is a better fit for Riverdale voters, but let's see what happens at the polls.

  11. With people saying Mark Levine is a "better fit" for Riverdale voters, I want to ask a simple question: When is it okay to vote your ethnic group?

  12. I am a registered Democrat in Schneiderman's district. I will vote for the senate candidate who will press for constructive change. That candidate is Mark Levine.

    As for Espaillat and Espada, they may be different people but they are both longtime beneficiaries of the sick system in Albany. So to me, Espaillat and Espada are political twins.

    The fact that Espaillat has spent money to produce and distribute that that flyer tells me that most of voters here must feel the same way I do.

  13. Yup. Espaillat must be rather desperate if he is trying to distinguish himself from Espada while his opponent actually is Levine.

  14. Just vote for Levine and you will fell better. Espada and Espaillat are basically the same guy.

  15. Mark Levine is a mensch.

  16. Anger towards Espada is so widespread that Espaillat is now facing a voter backlash for something he didn't even do. Espada and Espaillat are different people, but obviously Levine's supporters would have all of us believe otherwise.
