Here is a great editorial in this week's Riverdale Press that takes Andy Wolf of the Riverdale Review to the woodshed on the First Amendment. Since November, there has been a community boycott of his paper that has already garnered nearly 700 signatures. Last week the group visited Mr. Wolf's office to deliver a birthday card signed by dozens of local residents and a cake on the 219th birthday of the First Amendment (of course, the coward refused to come out of his office and instead called the police even though it was a peaceful visit). All of this has Mr. Wolf crying about his First Amendment rights. However, as the Press editorial accurately points out after referencing the actual language of the First Amendment,"When you do, it becomes clear that this fight has nothing to do with the First Amendment at all. A group of citizens that stages a protest against what it sees as irresponsible journalism doesn’t even come near stepping on the Constitution’s toes. This is not the long arm of the law reaching in to stop the free flow of information. It’s angry citizens saying what they think." The editorial ends with this powerful statement, "So in belated honor of the First Amendment’s birthday we ask Mr. Wolf to stop taking its name in vain..." In other words, after years of savaging our community with his biased stories and blunting the free speech of others, Andy Wolf is now trying to wrap himself in the First Amendment to insulate himself from any real criticism. The First Amendment was designed to protect the exact speech reflected in the boycott. Wolf's hypocrisy is comical. If you really want to honor the First Amendment, sign the petition. Viva La Boycott!
Wow… The Riverdale Press editorial really slammed Wolf on his ridiculous 1st Amendment claims !!!
ReplyDeleteThe Riverdale Press just bitch-slapped that yellow journalist Andy Wolf. Nice work.
ReplyDeleteI don't think any of you realize that Andy Wolf gets off on this stuff. By attacking him, you make him stronger. Best advice is to ignore him, which if our local "politicians" did, his papaer would go away.
ReplyDeleteThat cake was a great idea and brought even more attention to the movement against the Riverdale Review.
ReplyDeleteFunny, but Andrew Wolf does not seem to be "getting off on this stuff" (as a previous comment states). Instead, Mr. Wolf is trying to hide behind a constitutional amendment that has nothing to do with citizen boycotts. He is also begging any community leaders he can find to allow their names be used in his defense.
ReplyDeleteHowever, if you still think he enjoys this boycott, just wait and see what happens when the boycotters go to his advertisers.
OH please. Wolf loves nothing more than to see his name plastered all over The Long Island (formerly Riverdale) Press.
ReplyDeleteJason Fields, as bad an editor and person as he is/was, at least never stooped to mentioning the RR in his rag. Or at least not as much as the new editor is. All the Long Island Press does now is react to the blatherings of Andy Wolf, a notorious racist windbag.
Oh how the "mighty" have fallen. The Stein brothers, as hopelessly liberal (of the "Limosine" variety no less) as they were, at least had some journalistic standards and would not have given the RR any ink, let alone aid in a fight that would supress the written word.
I hate the RR, but I must confess I pick it up every week just to see how many factual errors and typos there will be. It's entertaining, please don't help in taking it away.
As far as the Long Island Press is concerned, may it go down into oblivion as it so richly deserves.
Andy Wolf an "American Hero," says Satan
ReplyDeleteThe boycotters must deal resolutely with Andy Wolf. He has to be stopped.
ReplyDeleteGawd. That Andy Wolf is a shameless HYPOCRITE (and The Riverdale Press just called him out on it bigtime!)
ReplyDeleteAndy Wolf is a malicious propagandist. He relies on lies, half-truths, sensationalism and deception to try to influence public opinion and arouse hatred towards those he opposes. His flag-waiving attempts to obfuscate the Constitution will not save the Riverdale Review from the growing movement against it.
ReplyDeleteI am glad to see that people have had enough of the Riverdale Review's smear jobs and monstrous distortions of the news.
ReplyDeleteEver notice the way that many of Mr. Wolf's headlines over the years often have little or no relation to the contents of his articles?
ReplyDeleteThe Review is a journalistic disgrace.
ReplyDeleteBased on his reaction, Andy Wolf seems to be in a panic over this ... and the boycott has just begun!!!
ReplyDeleteAll that wrapping himself in the flag shows how truly arrogant Andy Wolf is. That man could use a big heaping of humble pie.
ReplyDeleteThree cheers for the boycott, say I.
ReplyDeleteAndy Wolf is a journalistic thug who is hurting Riverdale’s school children with his constant and unreasonable sniping. As a PS 24 parent, I know that my child's school does a first-class job, and I know that Wolf’s malicious, underhanded attacks are without merit.
ReplyDeleteAlas, the Review is back after its holiday break and it is abundantly clear that the boycott is having no impact whatsoever on advertising, which is all that matters to an unaudited free newspaper. On to the list:
ReplyDeleteBrightHome Energy Solutions (2 ads), Marilyn's Diamond Collection (2 ads), C&C Stationery, Montefiore/Einstein Center for Cancer Care, I&C House Cleaning Services, City University of New York/CUCF, i9 Sports Youth Indoor Soccer, Taiim Falafel Shack (in Hastings!), City Funeral Service, Jewish Memorial Chapel, Shalom Jewish Funeral Home, Elite Complete Cleaning Service, Chabad (2 ads), Riverale Y (a large b/w interior ad, and a full-page full-color ad on the back page), Riverdale Oral Health, David Allen Bath Shop, Riverdale Dental Care, Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz (a full-page 2011 parking calendar; thanks, Jeff!), the College of New Rochelle Graduate School, Bronx Jewelry and Antiques/Golden Dreams Jewelry, Skyview Cooperatives, Riverdale Homes, Ponce De Leon Federal Bank, Anita Wolfe Real Estate, Argo Residential Real Estate, an insert from The Postal Outlet, Dish Network (back after hiatus with a full-page, full-color ad), Gotham Driving School, Therapy With a Twist, Lee's Nail Salon, Amazon.com / J. Christopher Scott, Pasquale's Rigoletto Restaurant of Arthur Avenue, Con Edison, Relocation Moving & Storage, M. Mehmed Master Craftsman and Contractor, Riverdale Organizer, Goodfellas Pizza, Sketch Construction, and Sherbee Antiques. Opposite the editorial page is a repeat endorsement from renowned education expert, professor Diane Ravitch.
What gives?
My guess is that the boycotters are simply regrouping ahead of a new campaign to take it to the next level: the advertisers. Once they do that, it will be the beginning of the end for the Review.