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Thursday, February 24, 2011

Albany's New Power Couple?

An article on Page Six of today's New York Post combines my two favorite topics, politics and gossip, when they speculate that Bronx State Senator Jeff Klein and Brooklyn State Senator Diane Savino are an item (both pictured left). They refer to them as Albany's version of "Brangelina", but in this case they are dubbed them "Klavino". Not quite as catchy. As you may recall, the two Senators formed the new Senate Independent Democratic Conference together with two other members. Senator Savino is quoted in the article as saying, "I have good taste in both men and politics."


  1. Both these two look like rejects from Night of the Living Dead.

  2. Really? They are two of a small handful of living thinking legislators in the land of mindless zombies that is Albany

  3. Saw a blurb yesterday where Klein go t 'caught' using a loophole to have one of his law partners be covered under State Health Insurance plan.
