Bronx City Councilman Larry Seabrook's Federal trial on corruption charges ended in a hung jury. Despite what seemed to be a very strong case that included evidence of kickbacks by contractors and not for profits and the doctoring of reimbursement forms, the jury could not come to a decision on the charges. As the New York Post reports, the U.S. Attorney's office intends to retry the Councilman.
Yes, try him again. It's time to end this circus of a career.
ReplyDeleteInstead of just complaining endlessly about what's wrong with our local elected officials, Bronxites should should go out and do something about it!
ReplyDeleteLet's face it, the stupidity and laziness of Bronxites has everything to do with the lousy and worthless local politicians who represent them.
If you don't VOTE in any meaningful numbers, then you don't have anybody else to blame but yourselves when you end up with swindlers and half-wits as your representatives. So, people of the Bronx, put up or shut up.
People like him make it really hard for politicians to win back our respect.
ReplyDeleteRoll Back Reaganism!
Human Needs,
U.S. Out of El Salvador!
March on Washington, D.C.
May 3, 1981
For more information:
People’s Anti-War Mobilization (PAM) and
All Peoples Congress (APC)
Tel. (212) 741-0633
TOILET EXPERIENCE: Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has revealed he defecated into a bucket while serving as a Mormon missionary in France in the 1960s.
ReplyDelete‘A number of the apartments I lived in when I was there didn’t have toilets,’ he said in Hudson, New Hampshire, reported The New York Times.
‘We had instead the little pads on the ground. OK, you know how that works. There was a chain behind you. It was kind of a bucket affair.’
They used to bathe by using a hose in a sink. ‘I said to myself: “Wow, I’m sure lucky to be born in the United States of America”,’ Mr. Romney said.
The past is a ghost, the future a dream. All we ever have is now. - Bill Cosby
ReplyDeleteI wonder . . . is Seabrook just a bad apple, or are they all like this?
ReplyDeleteThat boycott against the Revieww is nothing but a politcakl conspiracy, His newspaper is a Riverdale institution and will hopefully continue to publish despite the thuggery of the boycotter clique and the resulting loss of the big advertisers. They are destroying an important voice!
ReplyDeleteThis is how you attack a reporter, Tony! Not with a pitiful blog and a bunch of anonymous comments!
Not to put the whole thing here, like some of you who steal the New York Times articles when you post them here, but it starts with:
"Jimmy, I'm writing this letter to you as I believe you to be the most glaring example of the hideous and dysfunctional Albany press corps."
The boycott against the Riverdale Review is NOT a political conspiracy. It is a grassroots movement against a yellow-journalist tabloid. The boycotters are a diverse group of people with differing affiliations, united in their disgust over the irresponsible, misleading and hurtful rantings that are published each week in that rag.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that Olliver Koppell, Eliot Engel and Jeffrey Dinowitz are in cahoots with the Riverdale Review and it's publisher Andy Wolf only adds insult to injury.
Hey, who’s the anonymous nut from 1981?
ReplyDeleteIt's a bit late to be protesting against Reagan. Maybe you should just keep listening to those REO Speedwagon and Pat Benatar LPs.
Look what they did to Bella Abzug!
ReplyDeleteThe blog comments about that Bronx boycott often link the newspaper publisher with with "Oliver Koppell, Eliot Engel and Jeffrey Dinowitz." Since these gentlemen are not exactly household names, it would be courteous to identify who they are and precisely what they did wrong.
ReplyDeleteI'm home sick today and came across this blog. These comments are very entertaining. I'll check back often.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous @ December 15, 6:16 AM:
ReplyDelete(1) In answer to your question about who's who:
G. OLIVER KOPPELL is the New York City Councilman from the 11th District in the Bronx.
ELIOT ENGEL represents New York's 17th Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives.
JEFFREY DINOWITZ is the New York State Assemblyman from the 81st District in the Bronx.
(2) In answer to your question about what happened:
It is alleged that Mr. Koppell and Mr. Engel secretly helped finance yellow journalist Andrew Wolf’s purchase of the Riverdale Review (a politically motivated newspaper in their districts) back in the 1990s.
If these two elected officials engaged in such shady dealings by using either their own money or other people's money to solidify their hold on a local news outlet, it would seem to be a flagrant conflict of interest as well as an egregious breach of the public’s trust.
For the record, the allegations were first made public by Richard Stein, co-publisher of the Riverdale Press, in the Jan. 16, 2003 edition of his newspaper. In a letter that he published addressed to Mr. Wolf under the title “Who’s selling the news,” Mr. Stein wrote:
“And speaking of secret deals, when will you disclose the roles that Congressman Eliot Engel and Councilman Oliver Koppell played in helping to finance your purchase of the Review? When will you reveal the identities of the politically-connected people who loaned you the money? What can you tell us about the ways those obligations influence what you write?”
It seems obvious to me that the allegations must be true . . . otherwise both politicians would surely have come out forcefully to deny them and indignantly attack the accusers.
So, at long last, Councilman Koppell and Congressman Engel need to please answer this question: ARE THE ALLEGATIONS TRUE?
In addition, it would be nice if Assemblyman Dinowitz disclosed whether or not he had any involvement in helping to finance Mr. Wolf's purchase of the Riverdale Review.
Stay on the Seabrook topic!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhy can't Romney wrap up the GOP vote?
ReplyDeleteSo it looks like G. Oliver Koppell and Eliot L. Engel are really tied into Andrew I. Wolf.
ReplyDeleteWe want to see the climax soon...
ReplyDeleteReimbursement forms
Seabrook has nine lives ! This guy is a bum so why do people continue to elect him? Why for a free summer concert and lunch. Wake up Bronx !! This borough will continue getting a bad rap if you continue to elect bums into office.