It looks more and more like Adriano Espaillat would fit right into the dysfunctional State Senate. Errol Louis, a respected columnist for the Daily News writes a story entitled "Ethics or ethnicity: A tough choice for uptown voters: A lapse by Espaillat may put Dominican loyalty"
It appears that Espaillat's communications communications coordinator is also a journalist who wrote articles praising him in a publication called El Nuevo Diario -- all while on Espaillat's payroll. This is on top of an earlier story in The Post about his friends working for a not for profit that he funds.
Just another slippery pol!
ReplyDeleteSo this is man that the Ben Franklin Club is supporting? What a joke. Although I don't know anything about Mark Levine yet, I now know more than I need to about Adriano Espaillat.
ReplyDeletewhen espaillat grows up he would like to be pedro espada
ReplyDeleteThe difference between Espaillat and Espada is that despite all the repulsive things that Espada does, none of Espada's opponents present any real competition. Espada will win his primary handily. Espaillat, however, might well be defeated in September.
ReplyDeleteEspaillat is Dinowitz' boy, boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!
ReplyDeleteWord has it, Reuben Jr. cut a deal with Dinowitz to oust you and Brad Trebach and served your heads on a silver platter to Jeff Dinowitz in exchange for Dinowitz' support for Espaillat.
These people are filthy.
Dinowitz' dirty hands are about to lose their golden touch.
How can anyone support any member of the worst legislature in the nation for a higher office? People should be looking to oust this guy from the assembly, not put him in the senate.
ReplyDeleteArdiano Espada is an example of everything that's wrong with Albany.
ReplyDeleteHis name isn't "Ardiano," it's Adriano.
ReplyDeleteMr. Espada and Mr. Espaillat are two different people.!!!
ReplyDeleteMr. Espada is already a state senator, and Mr. Espaillat wants to become one.
Even though each has his own ethics scandal, people should not intentionally mix their names together in the hope of frightening away voters.
The Espaillat years in Inwood were bad ones with respect to noise and other quality of life violations. Under Espaillat’s watch, we saw the growth of racing on the Dyckman Drag Strip, the unprecedented and ethically questionable expansion of noisy nightclubs posing as restaurants, the lending out of public property for noisy rallies on behalf of political candidates in foreign elections, and the charade of officials holding meetings with the public in which they repeatedly claimed that few, if any, noise or traffic violations were documented and that their management was a problem of “inadequate manpower.” Local residents recognize these denials as nothing more than a fast-talking runaround with the public. The surreal nature of this two-step has led many of us to feel that back-room deals under Espaillat’s watch have led to the rapid up-tick in noise during his time in office.
ReplyDeleteInstead of balancing the needs of business against the legitimate right of local residents to sleep at night (as Denny Farrell has successfully done), Mr. Espaillat has sided unilaterally with the Vida/Mamajuana cartel, the Miami-based group behind the transformation of West Dyckman Street into our very own Alcohol Alley. Other than publish one publicity piece claiming to have taken action – action that locals have found difficult to identify as real – Espaillat appears to have done nothing to quell the flood of noisy establishments over Inwood. In fact, he seems to have promoted it. I will never forget his participation in that transparent piece of political theater that many derisively call the “Postcard Terrorist Press Conference.” He stood shoulder to shoulder with leaders of the Vida/Mamajuana cartel, throwing the weight of his office behind a ridiculous contention: that local businesses are in real danger from some apparently-elderly, deranged person who can barely put pen to paper. The FBI apparently has declined to investigate, and no findings of a real threat have surfaced since then. The true intent of this press conference, as many Inwoodites recognized from the start, was to garner public sympathy for expansion by the allegedly downtrodden Vida/Mamajuana cartel. It was a shameful, politically motivated slur on the motives of local residents, who want only to achieve balance in an area super-saturated with liquor licenses and the noise- and traffic-violations that have come with them.
We may not know what Mark Levine will do to help residents who want to return the area to some semblance of balance, but he has already done more than Espaillat merely by acknowledging the problem, by attending town halls and other meetings devoted to the quality of life problems that have ballooned under Espaillat, and by personally pledging to local residents that he will take positive action. His election would initiate a radical departure from the political charades of the Espaillat era, and I would welcome it.
I encourage you strongly to get out the vote for Mr. Levine in the NY State Senate primary election this coming Tuesday.
Bradley Brookshire
20-Year Inwood Resident