Here is a wacky story from the blog Your Free Press, exposing an incident of Assemblyman Jeffrey Dinowitz trying to intimidate a new member of Community Board No. 8 into not posting on a blog. Apparently, the Assemblyman called the board member at home and told her "a blog of this nature would not be conducive to my position as a Community Board member." Don't they have a $100 billion budget to pass in Albany? This guy has way too much time on his hands.
He's a very trivial politician. Now he thinks he can play 1984's Big Brother by trying to frighten civic volunters into obedience. Try to imagine what would happen if Dinowitz had any real power.
ReplyDeleteDinowitz has tried to intimidate other CB8 Board members in the past and constantly meddles in Board politics. So far he hasn't threatened to kneecap anyone.
ReplyDeletewhat does a state assemblyman have to do with a city community board anyway? i thought he's supposed to be making laws up in albany, not pestering and threatening constituents who take the time serve the on local community planning boards
ReplyDeleteWhat a swell guy that Jeffrey Dinowitz is. He really knows how to roll out the welcome mat for community volunteers. I wonder why anyone would put up with such nonsense from him!
ReplyDeleteWhy is everyone so surprised that there is politics on a board appointed by politicians?
ReplyDeleteDon't keep voting for this bum. We must take injustice and duress personally, not just because we want to be part of the solution, but becuase by tolerating him we are all part of the problem.
ReplyDeleteThank you Mr. Cassino. Nobody else covers this kind of local political stuff so quickly and all together.
ReplyDeleteGood for her for stepping forward like that. There's no reason to put up with that kind of crap from some small-town pol.
ReplyDeleteCommunity boards should be elimanted along with the borough presidents that appoint them.
ReplyDeleteShe and we pay that man's salary. Outrageous.
ReplyDeleteIsn't it nice to see that our precious tax dollars are hard at work bullying and intimidating private citizens?
ReplyDeleteWhat a dope!!! Who cares about community boards anyway? This is an example of a shortsighted politician suffering a self-inflicted wound. If only he spent his time trying to cure what ails Albany!!
ReplyDeleteAs politicians go, Assemblyman Jeff Dinowitz is not so bad, but also he's not so good. It would be nice if we had term limits on state legislators.
ReplyDeletePolicy-wise Dinowitz is okay, but he’s obviously a bullying douchebag. However, all of you in his district derserve him since the very few of you who bother to vote keep electing him by such a large proportion.
ReplyDeleteThis just ups my appreciation of the inate creepiness of politicians. I went to a Bronx Community Board Number 8 meeting two years ago and most of them are pretty creepy too.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations on your new blog. It looks promising, and I like the things you say and do.
ReplyDeleteBy way of disclosure, I voted for Oliver Koppell for state assembly and for attorney general. I also voted for him for city council against Spaulter, then against Hoffnung and then against you (sorry!). Lorraine and Oliver Koppell used to be my neighbors when they lived on Waldo Ave.
I like your attitude and your honesty, and I never did believe all the stuff that Andrew Wolf wrote about you in The Riverdale Review. I think he’s nuts.
I read about you role on the city charter commission and I wish you luck trying to improve the Big Apple. After what the city council did last year in extending their own terms, I certainly hope that term limits will be on the ballot this year.
I’m sure you understand that I won't put my name down on this blog because I don't want someone like Dinowitz giving me a hard time and pressuring me through mutual acquaintances.
Shut up everyone!!!! He's doing what we elected him to do, and thats politics plain and simple. Assemblyman Dinowitz has to fight for each and every bite of political food. He is not paranoid. There are other politicians and politician wannabes who would throw him to the wolves in a second. Those community board member should kiss his butt that they are even appointed to be at those hearings. I think Assemblyman Dinowitz should be governor of this state. Then that ungrateful lady from the community board will cry in her soup.
ReplyDelete"They be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch." (Matthew 15:14)
ReplyDeletei just returned from vacation and i found the blog link to political chatter in the tony perez cassino e-mail blast. nice job. it's about time we had someone tell it to us straight.
ReplyDeleteFrom what I read the more disgraceful thing is that he is using his position as an elected official to influence the business of a private entity in which he may have a stake.
ReplyDeleteSomeone ought to look into the positions of the newly appointed CB8 Board Member. It proves the old addage that a little education can be a dangerous thing. She's a conspiracy theorist about EVERYTHING. She believes that every element of society - police, education, government, EVERYTHING - is rigged to rip us off and make life difficult. I can't imagine what the Borough President and Councilman Koppell were thinking when they appointed her. And the blog she claims isn't hers absolutely is hers. Her claims are a lie, as are many of the theories spewing from her mouth.
ReplyDeletewell said
ReplyDeleteA recent comment says "Someone ought to look into the positions of the newly appointed CB8 Board Member."
ReplyDeleteWell I say that someone should look into the positions of ALL the CB8 Board Members. Who are they? What background and jobs do they have? How often do most of them do anything at all? Look at the CB8 Community Board website section that has meeting minutes and you will see that many of the CB8 Board Members NEVER even attend their own meetings!
They are just as bad as the politicians.
it looks like we get what we pay for. those board members are unpaid volunteers, and it shows!
ReplyDeleteCommunity board members are appointed by the borough president or the city council member. Dinowitz is a state elected official and should have no influence on who is appointed-but of course he does. He weakened the board by removing Cassino and Trebach, and putting in a bunch of do nothing lackeys.
ReplyDeleteYou must not stoop to the same level as Jeffrey Dinowitz.
ReplyDelete@Anonymous August 5 9:00pm
ReplyDeleteSounds like you're a little jealous.
I have my own opinions about EDUCATION, THE POLICE, GOVERNMENT and CORPORATE entities too.
Education. So there is nothing wrong with the Educational system in this country? Did you not read about the standardized tests that were rigged by Bloomberg and Klein? You don't sound very smart.
There's no problem with the Police Department? Hmmm, that's funny. 46 shots were fired into a Harlem crowd and now the Police are blaming the shooting on a dead man who was, at first, the victim but now, because he's dead and he cannot defend himself he's the PERP. Rigggghhhttt. 22 shots later an innocent man is still in the hospital. At first they blamed the human slice of swiss cheese for the shooting that prompted 46+ shots from the police. He survived and disputed their allegations. The police had to blame SOMEONE. How about that new automated voice response system at the 50? Innovative, huh? Overall crime is down, but murders and rapes are up. Gee, I feel so much safer.
Ever hear of hedge funds, you ignorant ass? You think the private sector didn't bet on losing AND WIN? Jesus, you're really stupid. You probably smell like a roasted leg of lamb.
And the U.S. government doesn't screw the American people? Wow. The legitimate tea baggers were right about everything until the crazies took over. Know anything about Thomas Jefferson anonymous. How about all the Fed employees Obama hired?
Why are you so angry? Did you run for CB8 and LOSE? What proof do you have that she is the author of a blog? What are you doing with YOUR life, anonymous?
I'd put my money on a woman who refuses to be bullied before I give a bitter loser like you a second thought, anonymous. Sounds like you're a bit of a conspiracy theorist to me.
You're a real debbie downer.
Kudos to the new CB8 member.
Anyone ever hear the old a-d-a-g-e (Speak and Spell might help anonymous Aug. 5 @9pm) that you prove your own ignorance when you speak too soon?
ReplyDeleteThe fact remains that Dinowitz made an ass of himself by attempting to silence and control a newly appointed Board member. Then, there's that tape of Mama Dinowitz on the free food line for the needy that proves Dinowitz isn't taking care of his Mama either.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion. Clearly you're insinuating that a woman with her own mind is incapable of doing a service for her Community. You're either a misogynist or self loathing female.
I applaud Mrs. Hanley for informing folks about the tactics politicians use. And if people are worried about a blog, that means there is truth to the blog.
Tony, looks like you've got company on your blog, and not the good type either. Beware. Just take the high road and focus on facts (whether pro or con) and not conjecture. Everyone has an agenda, everyone.
ReplyDeleteGood luck Tony.
ReplyDeleteI understand Karen Armstrong, Doris Spencer, Ed Yaker and the littlest cowboy campaigned for you when you ran against Koppell. I live in Park Reservoir. Their "support" was disastrous for your campaign.
You might as well have been sponsored by Satan. The fliers those people circulated and the fact that very few people can stand the sight of Armstrong Spencer Yaker or Cowboy Gary can be attributed to your loss.
Ed Yaker is a megalomaniac who drove the Amalgamated Coop into debt. Michael Gary is employed by Pedro Espada; you lost the support of many based upon his affiliation with a crook. Doris Spencer feigns ignorance whenever she is questioned about corruption at the Housing Corp ("one hand doesn't know what the other is doing") and Karen Armstrong is a condescending ignoramus (an oxymoron).
Next time try to distance yourself from the sycophants. When you were surrounded by the President Emeritus, Education Director, Board Member and neighborhood thug rep you should have known something was up. They all hate Michael Gary because he knows the AHC is corrupt. He's very political too. Why else would he be working for Espada. And how else would Espada be able to distribute food and literature around the Coop if he didn't have the OK from Yaker and Spencer, Inc.
It's a shame you were manipulated. Maybe next time you'll play the game differently.
I think Mrs. Hanley's arrival will make Assemblyman Dinowitz positively nostalgic for the days of civilized and principled opponents on Community Board 8 like Messrs. Cassino and Trebach.
ReplyDeleteIt's just like John Lennon said, "Instant karma's gonna get you." So fasten your belt Mr. Dinowitz, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
Anonymous 8/14 @7:45am
ReplyDeleteSpare me the hoity-toity clutching of the pearls to suggest that Mrs. Hanley is uncivilized or unprincipled or,as your final statement inferred, karmic in nature because she doesn't want some asshole politician to call her house to tell her what she can or can not do as a CB8 member.
Tell me, what are these "civilized and principled" politicians doing about the budget crisis in albany or the the behavior and corruption of people like Pedro Espada or the state of our schools or the murder and rape numbers that are on the rise in the 50th precinct vicinity.
I guess the only individuals who are going to speak up are the folks who aren't on city/state payroll or have no desire to run for office. Individuals, like Mrs. Hanley, have their own principles. "Kissing Ass" and "Playing the Game" aren't on their "to-do" list.
Colleen Hanley is not a "do-nothing lackey" (which is what one of the previous comments implies). CB8 would be very lucky to have more people like her. Still, the borough president hurt that board by removing some of its most valuable and hardworking leaders last June.
ReplyDeleteJeffrey Dinowitz is a fool. He should have taken the high road by never trying to bully someone like Colleen Hanley or any of the other board members he has pressured over the years.
ReplyDeleteDinowitz is so focused on trying to fight off Tony Cassino that will risk offending many, many people.
Oliver Koppell's is dumb like a fox. His revenge for challenging him was removing Mr. Cassino and putting Mrs. Hanley on CB8. Hell hath no fury than a woman scorned. She merely is the iceberg and the Bronx political machine is the Titanic. Run into it and watch the ship sink to the bottom with everyone on it who can't find a lifeboat. We'll see if the women and children first policy is being followed or not.
ReplyDeleteLike a fox? How about like a putz?
ReplyDeleteGo Hanley!