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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Rivera and Seabrook Head List of Absentee Council Members

Looks like the Bronx delegation is a leader when is comes to missing Council meetings. The Daily News reports that Councilmembers Larry Seabrook and Joel Rivera are in the top 5 when it comes to missing Council meetings. Seabrook, who is under indictment for fraud, missed 27 percent of the meetings while Rivera, who is the Majority Leader and gets an extra $23,000 stipend on top of his $112,000 pay, missed 19 percent.


  1. I do remember what perfect attendance the city council members had when they voted to approve the extension of their own terms.

  2. This frequent absenteeism by Bronx legislators is simply inexcusable.

  3. poor attendance record ...... sounds like the people in these districts are not being well served

  4. They should have their pay docked for playing hooky.

  5. These are the people who make our city's laws!

  6. Sadly, the City Council is full of lowlife dreck like Seabrook and friends!

  7. A record of achievement means much more than a record of attendance. Councilman Seabrook has been very active in the war against illegal drugs and in fighting for civil rights. He is also the first African American to hold office in three NY legislative branches: the NY State Assembly, NY State Senate and NY City Council.

  8. Hey I saw this on another blog before you had it.

  9. A record of achievement means much more than a record of attendance. Councilman Seabrook has been very active in the fight against illegal drugs and in the fight for civil rights. He is also the first African American to hold office in three NY legislatives bodies: the NY State Assembly, NY State Senate and NY City Council.

  10. Bronx Political Chatter is just a Larry Seabrook-bashing blog and everyone knows it!!!!!!

  11. Isn't it about time for Manny G's 9/11-was-an-inside-job lunacy.?

  12. Hey New York, you’re a bunch of amateurs. Come to Chicago and we’ll show you how to run a city.

  13. The New York City Council wastes money like nobody’s business. I remember a few years ago that it allocated $1.5 Million in taxpayer money for a hip-hop museum in the Bronx.

  14. Don't listen to this absentee stuff. Make up your own damn mind!

  15. It's hard to believe that Seabrook defeated Vincent A. Marchiselli two times! Knowing what we know now, I'm sure that the voters would have voting differently in 1984 and 1986.
