Less than a year ago, Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. announced, to great fanfare, the formation of a new task force to study uses for the Kingsbridge Armory. Well, today he announced the result of their hard work -- another study (of course, the text of this press release is incorrect on their site, but I am sure eventually someone will point it out to them). Through the Capstone Program at NYU's Wagner School, faculty and students will spend the next year trying to identify alternative uses for the Armory. In a press release, Diaz says "At this point, the task force has concluded that efforts to redevelop the Kingsbridge Armory will focus on strategic reuse of the property for a combination of community revitalization, education, and economic development purposes. Our objectives will be to attract more skilled workers and higher paying jobs to the Bronx, to provide community space that will improve the quality of life of those in the surrounding area, to build on the strengths of the borough's universities, cultural and medical institutions, and, hopefully, to include programs that will prepare neighborhood residents for jobs in the technology and professional service sectors."
What? Can anyone tell me what this politician-speak means? Are they talking about one big not-for-profit? Just who is going to put up the $100 million needed to transform this place? And do any of them realize that we are in the worst recession in a hundred years and people need jobs more than "community space." As everyone knows, the irony here is that Diaz played a huge part in killing a project at the Armory that would have brought an investment of over $300 million and thousands of jobs to the area. So now what's his solution: another study with no prospect for how this massive investment will ever be funded. Without a doubt, that empty Kingsbridge Armory will be Ruben's legacy to our borough.
What? Can anyone tell me what this politician-speak means? Are they talking about one big not-for-profit? Just who is going to put up the $100 million needed to transform this place? And do any of them realize that we are in the worst recession in a hundred years and people need jobs more than "community space." As everyone knows, the irony here is that Diaz played a huge part in killing a project at the Armory that would have brought an investment of over $300 million and thousands of jobs to the area. So now what's his solution: another study with no prospect for how this massive investment will ever be funded. Without a doubt, that empty Kingsbridge Armory will be Ruben's legacy to our borough.
I can't stand hearing Ruben Diaz talk. And now he's spouting a load of BS because of the armory fiasco.
ReplyDeleteHasn't that man done enough damage to our borough already?
ReplyDeleteThese comments are just sour grapes. The Borough President is a true chief executive who is doing the hard things that leaders must do to serve the electorate in a representative democracy in the year 2010. The man has the weight of the world on his shoulders and he's doing a great job. He's one of the finest public servants in America today and will surely go down in the history books as one of New York City's great borough leaders. In fact, he's so good that I can't even remember a single thing that Fernando Ferrer ever did. Ruben Diaz Junior is truly a man for all seasons and all Bronxites. I'm thinking of starting my own Ruben Diaz Junior fan club. When I do, I'll invite you all to my website so we can raise the big bucks for this man so he can run for mayor and then governor. Someday I hope that he will be UN Secretary General. Ultimately, he might even become the anchor of ABC World News Tonight.
ReplyDeleteTalk about rose-colored glasses! Anonymous @ October 14, 2010 12:50 PM is clearly nuts (even though I cannot recall a single thing that Freddy Ferrer did either).
ReplyDeleteMayor, Governor, United Nations Secretary General, and ABC News Anchor? Shoot me now.
If he is ever dumb enough to seek higher office, Ruben Diaz Jr. is going to be steamrolled by his disastrous performance on the the Kingsbridge Armory. He was a complete failure on a huge project that held such high potential, and nobody should forget it.
ReplyDeleteDiaz Jr's tenure so far has been a stupendous train wreck. It's amazing how he botched the armory deal. Now we can all see just how truly wrong he was.
ReplyDeleteMy reaction to Borough President Diaz's announcement: Ready, Set, Snooze!
ReplyDeleteIt was supposed to be a $310 million shopping center anchored by a large department store, as many as 35 smaller shops, a movie theater and restaurants.
ReplyDeleteInstead, thanks to Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. and some pinheads in the city council, the Kingsbridge Armory now sits empty. What a sorry disappointment those politicians are.
The only thing that Ruben Diaz the Younger is known for is killing a project that would have brought jobs and much-needed businesses to the Bronx. I can't believe that I voted for that fool.
ReplyDeleteAnother study??? How about turning the armory into an office campus for creative tenants like media, entertainment and tech firms. They are doing just that kind of plan that right now to the old Howard Hughes aviation complex in California.
ReplyDeleteOf course, if a developer for the Kingsbridge Armory refuses to cave in to the unreasonable demands of the shakedown artist Ruben Diaz, the plan will go nowhere and the neighborhood will remain deprived of jobs.
It appears that the The Honorable Bronx Borough President cannot articulate a coherent thought. Muddled speaking is a sign of muddled thinking. What a sad image for The Bronx.
ReplyDeleteHe played chicken with a huge developer and lost. Ruben totally misplayed his hand, totally overestimated his power and leverage and obviously thought they would never walk away form this deal. How stupid. Don't get me wrong, his predecessor was just as bad albeit at the other extreme - paying off the Yankees was just as stupid. Somewhere there must a a politician left in this borough with some horse sense.
ReplyDelete"Sockpuppeting" is defined as "the act of creating a fake online identity to praise, defend or create the illusion of support for one's self, allies or company."
ReplyDeleteAll you corporate types have lost sight of what Diaz was trying to do. He was fighting for Bronx residents to get jobs with at least a LIVING WAGE!!!!
ReplyDeleteDiaz is doing a great job. I don't know what's with all of you. Let's support him, not knock him down!!!
ReplyDeleteThis criticism is so unfair. All that Mr. Diaz was trying to do was to make sure that the future workers at the Armory (and other developments receiving city subsidies) be paid at least $10 an hour with benefits. That's called a "living wage," and is well above the minimum wage. Is that so bad?
ReplyDeleteEntrepreneurs could have started businesses at the Kingsbridge Armory if Rubén Diaz, Jr. didn't kill the idea.
ReplyDeleteA Costco or a BJ’s could have employed hundreds of people there. The Fordham area is not wealthy and needed this kind of development.
Baby Diaz wasn't alone in this ,,,, the City Council also deserves the blame ,,,, Bloomberg was the only sensible one ,,,, but you would expect that a self-made billionare knows what's good for local business
ReplyDeleteSuch hostility for a man who only holds an office that is basically ceremonial. No one takes any of the borough presidents (or the public advocate) seriously. Move on!
ReplyDeleteIt's easy for people who don't live nearby the armory to say that it's no big deal that the project has died. But to those of us who live nearby, it's a really big deal and I, for one, am very upset with the elected leaders who torpedoed the plan. I understand the point that they were trying to make, but they went way too far.
ReplyDeleteThis Bx Pol Chatter blog item is mentioned today on the BoggieDowner blog and they agree with you that Diaz really messed up bigtime on the Kingsbrisge Armory
ReplyDeleteIf you don't like Ruben Diaz Jr., don't vote for him next time. As long a you keep voting for him, you'll be stuck with him ..... So you see, Bronxites have only THEMSELVES to blame for HIS failures.
ReplyDeleteNew York City should not have borough presidents. They are useless and wasteful positions, and no other city on the planet has them. Yet our city's political establishment acts like the post of borough president is instituted and sanctioned by God.
ReplyDeletethe stupidity of our local politicians is staggering
ReplyDeleteCome on, get happy -- at least people will now know Diaz's true colors. In addition, that armory will remain the thing that defines him as a flop.
ReplyDeleteRuben Diaz might think that no job is better than a low-paying job but I disagree. I went just over a year without a job and I can tell you that I would have jumped at the lower-paying offers that Ruben Diaz would have turned down on my behalf. He thinks he is helping us but he is really hurting us. THANKS BUT NO THANKS RUBEN DIAZ.
ReplyDeleteDiaz Jr. is in a precarious situation because of the public anger over losing the grand project that was supposed to be in the Kingsbridge Armory. Now he’s stuck with what basically amounts to a quagmire. Every month that goes by with the empty Armory devoid of bustling business activity is a stark reminder of Diaz Jr.’s terrible judgment when it comes to Bronx economic development.
ReplyDeleteDiaz must go
ReplyDeletePay very close attention when the Bronx Boro Prez talks about the Kingsbridge Armory because he is not actually saying much of anything at all. It's just talk, talk, talk...and the result of all his empty talk is just nothing. And who suffers? The people who would have had jobs and the businesses that never materialized there. Remember that in the future when he comes asking for our votes.
ReplyDeleteThe most annoying part of this is that we pay Diaz a salary to just show up and do nothing at all. Instead, he shows up and does something to harm us.
ReplyDeleteMost borough presidents are disappointingly ineffectual and unsuccessful. It seems to be a job requirement. Think about it. A true leader would never take such a job. For example, could any of us imagine for one moment that someone like Michael Bloomberg would run for or accept the postion of borough president?
ReplyDeleteI get the feeling that he'd take the pennies off a dead mans eyes!
ReplyDeleteOnly if that equaled a "living wage".
ReplyDeleteHey anon 10/15/2010 @8:44AM,
ReplyDeleteLiving wage is the equivalent of privitized welfare, as the costs would have to be paid for by the businesses, not related or the government. Ultimately, the surrounding community has to pay for those wages in increased prices.
Want a living wage? Stay in school! Improve yourselves! Don't get swept in bleeding heart BS from politicians! And don't become like anon @ 8:44am, who apparently failed in basic economics...
Hey, let's not pile all the blame on one person only, there is plenty to share!! Besides, the BP's role in the Armory as mentioned before is only advisory!
ReplyDeleteYou got the deadweight Bronx council delegation bolstered by deadweight local media, who were both pandering to deadweight sham non-profits, the retail union, and the supermarket who each "profited" (in more ways than one) from killing the project.
So let's be fair and share the blame, they all make a living out of making sure we have no wages.
I seem to recall that it was Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz Junior who went on NY1 to debate against Steve Spinola (President of the Real Estate Board of New York) about this subject. I didn't see any of the other local pols doing this. So shame on Diaz, who seems to be the chief culprit in this mess.
ReplyDeleteShuck + Jive = Ruben Diaz jr.
ReplyDeleteThe poor thing, he's so out of his league. I wish I had the power to remove the borough president to a better place.
ReplyDeleteYup, Anonymous Oct 20, 2010 10:46 AM is 100% right .... Baby Diaz is doin' the old shuck 'n jive.